Thursday, April 22, 2010

Look What I Found

Isn't he SO SO SO cute?!

This little guy was paralyzed with fear sitting up alongside the curb on the busy road last week. My friend, Livi, spotted him on our morning walk. I scooped him up in my jacket and carried him home.

I got online to see how to care for him. Everything I read said NOT to keep him. Aw.

Although he seemed less than thrilled, I kept lil' bunny foo foo until the boys returned home from school. We did some more 'ooohing and ahhhing' over him then let him go in the bushes near our house. He didn't seem injured and he jumped to the top of the cage when Dawson reached in to pet him so we figured it was time.

Hope he has escaped the local wildlife...coyotes, hawks and resident cats!

So cute!!!


Anonymous said...

he is SOO, SOOO cute. and may he be forever grateful you saved him! :)

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! It looks so small. You probably did the right thing, tho, in letting it go. You'll have to check up on information on wild bunnies! Mom