Friday, September 6, 2013

Extraordinarily Ordinary

Taken from a book I'm currently reading ...

"I begin to view our time together differently, begin to see that stepping up to one's life adventure doesn't necessarily mean doing extraordinary things. It aslo means coming to understand that viewed in the right light, through the right eyes, everything is extraordinary." ~Katrina Kenison

Photos of my boys taken circa 2008. Sometimes, looking back, life seemed simpler then - when it felt natural to stop and take in these moments of happiness, play and being together.

We still have moments of happiness when playing together, it just seems different somehow. And it's all okay. I'm thankful for this author's insightful challenges on how to continually shape my attitude especially toward the simple and the ordinariness of these days spent at home as a mom.

I will be forever grateful to Tim for maintaining a lifestyle that has allowed me not to work while the boys are at home. I am TOTALLY trying to ignore the fact that these sweet days are numbered since the boys are now 11 and 13. Yikes!

"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home 
are of more importance to the soul 
than their simplicity might suggest." 
~Thomas Moore


Anonymous said...

A friend once wrote in a yearbook many years ago:
"You don't have to do extraordinary things, just ordinary things... extraordinarily well."
Every word you write suggests you do the mom thing extraordinarily well.

Finding your blog is one of those "six degrees of separation" kind of things, but I'd like to meet you someday.

Anonymous said...

The pictures certainly capture the magical moments between the boys. In addition to your pictures, your words convey your love of being a Mom. Nice job. Luv ya, mom

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww. You've found your voice once again. Happy to walk this journey alongside you.