Yay technology - I took this shot with my cell phone (no edits)! |
Ahh. The sights, sounds and smells of life. If only Dawson could actually smell things...or breathe and eat with his mouth closed...or sleep without snoring...if only. Well maybe. Maybe now that he had surgery on adenoids and turbinates this week.
Do you know where YOUR turbintates are?
In short, this was a simple surgery to alleviate sinus pressure from years and years of allergy suffering. His adenoids (back and top of the throat) and turbinates (side of the nose) were kind of in an unnecessary permanent swollen state.While the surgery won't do anything for his allergies, it should improve airflow in his nose and the back of his throat. We should know the full extent of this surgery's success in the next couple weeks when the absorbable gauze packing is gone and healing is complete.
Dawson asked the nurse, 'So you are going to numb my arm from a shot (IV site) with another shot (numbing site)?'
She explained that yes, this is but one of the many conundrums of life
and that this is her first time injecting and hopes she can do it right.
Gratefully, there were no grumpy nurses here, only fun ones. |
Post surgery, Dawson was alarmed that hours passed between waking and remembering conversations. I did assure him that he must not have said anything awful because on our way out, several nurses commented on what a sweet guy he is. The morphine laced conversation on the way home was pretty funny as was his attempt to walk on wobbly legs in the parking lot for our milkshake stop.
He reported that he was able to smell the burgers at In-N-Out later that same night and he can now occasionally take a full breath through his nose - even though the gauze is still crammed in there. We are hoping for the best, because even Dawson says, sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses.
Should be back to the beach in no time.
(photo by Rose Ruppert 7/13) |
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