Saturday, January 26, 2013

Winter Bike Ride at the Beach

 And a lovely day it was. My fast paced adrenaline junkies indulged me with a bike (the word 'bike' in this household has a motorized connotation) bicylce ride on Martin Luther King Jr Day. At first glance, don't we all look so harmonious in pursuit of fitness and togetherness? I love the photos and the sunshine and the smiles and how cheery we all look and the fact that you can't see all of the gripes conversations made along the way.  I really do love bike riding at the beach. It truly was a great day and pretty much a sacrficial Language of Love to me from the guys.

Toss bikes in and hope they come out untangled!
Actually, they were carefully placed - at least on the way TO the beach.

Starting out along the riverbed.

Stopping for a seat adjustment as all bikers know comfort in this bodily region is paramount.

Parking under the pier. It's hard to feel alone in southern California.

So many surfers, so few waves.

Little bro trying to extract a hug from the teenager.

Dawson never verbally complains of a slow pace but his body language protests in screams.

See caption above.
Can you tell he fractured his collar bone 3 weeks prior to these photos?

Thanks, guys, for riding with me!
I love you for it.

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