Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bob the Hamster

If I did the link-thing right, you should be able to click on the title above and have it take you to a page of photos of the production Luke is in right now (photos by a professional the theatre chose). In case you want specifics Luke is in photos numbered; 16, 17, 123, 124, 383, 405, 408, 421, 423, 462. The cast is made up of 60 children - most of whom are on stage for the first time - including Luke. The photos are kinda fun if you want to get more of a sense for the setting and costumes. Pretty cute.
Here's Luke singing in his 'hamster' costume also known as a recycled rat/beaver costume from the community theatre's costume vault. Way to get mileage out of those outfits!

Here are all the kiddos from Luke's number called, 15 Animals (minus one fish who is seen in the top photo, white tee). To quote the song, here's a cat named Bob, a dog named Bob, and 2 fish called Bob and Bob, then there's Bob my hamster (aka Luke!!!), and Bob my horse and my piglet known as Bob, of course. There's my rabbit, Bob and his bunny wife, Bob and their kids, Bob, Bob and Bob. Then there's Bob the mouse, Bob the bird and my turtle, Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the third.

And here's the entire cast of Philadelphia Chickens. So far, Luke is loving the stage. Fun to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a delight to see these pics and, of course, especially the ones with Luke in them! Sure looks like a lot of fun. I can't wait to be closer so we can go to a performance when Luke is on stage. Soon. Thanks for all your time and trouble to get these in a place to share them with us. Love, Mom/Nana