Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tree Fort

Dawson atop the tree fort he built last month (November).


Homework on the tree fort with a school friend. Okay, so it's really a fort built on the hillside and our fence but they used branches and it does sit BETWEEN two trees....that counts, right?


Anonymous said...

What a great idea (not too far to fall, is it?!). Love the hat. What good looking boys! It's such a joy to see them having fun. Thanks for sharing the pics. Love, Nana

Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D. said...

How wonderful to read about the antics of the Wards over the last few months! Thank you for the updates and pictures!

Sure, we'd love to join you on a cruise! :-)

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY counts :)
love, min