I happily agreed to attend our city's annual boat parade when my neighbors, Shelby and Rylee, invited us this year. The boats would all be following trucks since we live inland and far from any bodies of water. Nonetheless, my love for cheesy holiday outings was not to be skooshed (HAD to use that word, thanks mom!). We packed up the kids and staked out our spot along the curb. We were all feeling pretty excited as the boats started rolling by. We sat down just in time to see the very first boat meander 3 feet in front of us in all of its twinkling glory. As I looked closer, not only were they deocrated with lots of bright lights, but with scantily bikini clad and quite buxom young women jumping and dancing - probably to keep some sort of blood flow in the chilly weather. As I sat there, willing the driver with my mind to just hurry up and speed on by, Luke turns to me with giant bug eyes and says,' Are those REAL?'
I swallow a gulp, cringe and manage to eke out, 'Are WHAT real?'
He says, 'Those GIANT candy canes in their hands! Are they real?!'
Oh whew, I think to myself as I meet Shelby's glance and we start giggling. I hadn't even noticed the girls holding anything. Thank you, Lord, for letting them enjoy innocence for just a little bit longer - Oh, and please make it last.
Thank goodness for giant plastic candy canes that demand attention from 8 year old little boys!
Aaron put me through a similar experience. At 8, he and Andy Ramos were with me in a gift shop in Sunnyside. I was looking at mirrors and necklaces and they were flipping through the hanging posters. Suddenly a breathy, "Wow; look at that!" caught my ear. I groaned and tried inconspicuously wander over to them. The pinup was a bright red Corvette. Whew. Cheryl
oh my stars. this is stinkin hilarious. ~min
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