Monday, September 7, 2009

Camping Redeemed

This post is a long time coming. Just want to say how much better our 2nd (and last) camping trip of summer went than the first.

Activities were really fun during the day:
~visiting several lakes in the area
~completing a craft or two
~watching several deer waltz through camp
And activities at night were fun, too:
~gourmet meals, Thank you - Tim!!!
~dominoes with friends
~a video complete with popcorn
~chasing racoons away
~listening to a bear rummage through camp several nights in a row

Despite the forecast, even the weather was really nice, other than being able to see our breath inside the tent that first night. It was a great trip. The photo album (August Camping) has lots of pictures. Check it out. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pictures were great and looked like beautiful country. Ahhhh, sunshine! I'm glad this was a better camping experience! Dawson and Luke are looking so much taller! Where does the time go? Thanks for posting so many pics and this time you're in some, Jill! Mom