Friday, July 10, 2009

And this is fun WHY?!


Becoming one with nature. Leaving behind the hustle and bustle of citylife. Reclaiming fond memories of childhood. Gazing in wonder at the amazing stars overhead. Walking and biking along the trails in search of, well, an adventure. This is what I had in mind when I made reservations for a 4 night camping trip that took place this 2nd week of July. An adventure is what we had alright.

It turns out that 4 nights of camping is 3 too many for our family to camp.

When you camp, do you plan to arrive at sundown so that the putting up of the tent can be done in a rushed, frenzied and challenge-your-mate-to-keep-their-composure manner?

Do you laugh or cry when you return to camp to find the plastic, air tight, cereal container half emptied by chubbo squirrels? Do you laugh or cry (or gag) when you find your child with a mouthful of the aforementioned cereal in his mouth (because you stuck the container inside the tent without telling anyone before hurrying off to the next activity)? How much time do you spend consoling the older brother who is in tears believing the parental accusations that eating food that the squirrels slober, walk, poop and pee on could cause a trip to the hospital?

When the wind blows SO hard 2 nights in a row that the tent requires tethering to a tree and the chasing down of utensils, towels and folding chairs do you rejoice? Should you be happy or sad for the visible layer of dirt that accumulates inside the tent on your pillow cases? I dunno, is it worth cooling the tent with open windows?

When that same wild wind keeps blowing out the flame to the campstove do you let your husband exhaust his stash of colorful words and his vows never to camp again or do you add to the fire with accusations of being too grumpy and setting a foul mood for the whole campsite? I think this picture was the result of boat hair but it could have been campsite wind or maybe just plain exasperation.

Would you put the children in time out for arguing over which color of plastic horsehoes they get to use while the husband is gone for 2 hours (to unwrap the boat rudder from a line of rope, to ask the ranger about his scary, painful, fresh spider bite and to check his email)?

Do you think lovely thoughts when you go for a family bike ride and get left behind for three quarters of an hour while the youngest child refuses to pick up, get on and ride his bike back to camp in a very ostentatious, oh-my-gosh-I-can't-believe-you-can-carry-on-this-long sort of way?

Do you resist the urge to jump overboard while discovering there is no oil in the boat transmission causing it to slip and grind up the watersport dreams for the week of all 3 boys you love most?

Do you get down on the sand and beat your fists when you excitedly follow the numerous Snack Bar signs to find that the open hours are left to the whims of the owners leaving you to nuke bean and cheese burritos from the gift shop freezer for lunch?

Do you let a tear slip when debriefing in the tent at night you hear the children say they just want to go home or do you join in the sentiment?

Or do you just relish in the very awesome, fun moments that did occasion those few days in the wilderness? There indeed was a beautiful view of the very clear stars and very bright moon. The boys had great exercise on the paved bike trail in and around the campsites. All 4 of us played Uno by flashlight inside the tent before bed. We did enjoy some trusty s'mores and yummy food by chef Tim. All 3 guys were able to tube, wakeboard or waterski at least once. And we did learn something. Camping, as alive and glorious as it is in my childhood memories, may have to just remain a memory. I'm thinking a cruise or overnight in a hotel is a better option for this 'adventure' seeking family.

And because I can't let it go unsaid, thank you, mom, dad and Cheryl for your countless, thankless, tireless efforts to take us camping while growing up. I really did enjoy it, remember it and keep close those cherished memories. =)

(More pictures from this trip are on the photo list if you wanna see.)


Anonymous said...

Jill--forgive me. It took me several minutes to get through the camping blog 'cause of laughing so much. Another inauguration into parenthood. Did I ever mention they are numerous? Hmmm) You stay on target with your humor and ability to survive such trials and tribulations, which makes one a very rich person . . . . . . You should try another camping experience to learn that they can be better. Trust me. Mom/Nana
P.S. Thanks for the thanks, but maybe they weren't so countless and tireless! :))

Mindy said...

oh my stars. the part about crying in regards to the potential hospital trip....ROTFL!!!! Oh heavens. that was hilarious. hey. think of it this way. the only way we can sometimes add to our "what not to do" list is to try something first! ha.

Anonymous said...

Jill: Nancy asked me to read about your camping adventure.

I did and my word to you and Tim:
Location, Location, Location!
